The reading from your gas meter.
Adjusted or Corrected Reading -An amount shown on the bill to correct too much or not enough gas use from a prior reading.
Aggregation -A group that buys natural gas to obtain lower prices for a number of customers.
Aggregator or Market Aggregator -A natural gas supplier that plans for natu- ral gas supply services to a group of customers in a sin- gle buying unit.
Alternate Fuel Capability (Alternate Energy Capability) -Meeting ener- gy needs with an energy source other than natural gas.
Balancing -The amount of nat- ural gas a Natural Gas Distribution Company (NGDC) receives for deliv- ery to a customer or cus- tomer group and the amount of gas that customer or group uses.
Basic Services -Services neces- sary for the physical delivery of natural gas to a retail cus- tomer, consisting of natural gas distribution services and natural gas supply services.
BTU -British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Bundled pricing -Two or more services offered at a single price.
Burner tip -The point at which natural gas is used, such as a furnace, water heater or range.
Capacity -The amount of natu- ral gas transported within a specific period of time. The physical limits of a gas transportation system deter- mines capacity. On the inter- state transportation system, physical capacity is often divided among several par- ties, each party holding a contract for a specific quantity.
ccf -100 cubic feet of gas. This is a measure of gas usage.
City Gate -The point where interstate pipelines deliver gas into NGDC facilities.
Commodity -Natural gas sold either by volume or heating value.
Commodity Charges -The charges for basic gas supply service which is sold either by volume (ccf or Mcf) or heating value (dekatherms).
Consumer Contract -A written statement of the terms of service between a customer and a natural gas supplier.
Customer Assistance Programs - CAPS -A payment program for low income people who have trouble paying their bills.
This payment program is set up between a utility compa- ny and the customer. It allows the customer to pay a percent of the bill they owe or to pay a percent of their income instead of paying the actual bill each month. When an agreement is made, the customer must make regular monthly payments based on their new payment plan.
Customer Charge -A monthly charge to cover NGDC costs such as maintaining the gas lines, meter reading and billing.
Customer Choice -Customers and sellers can deal directly with each other for natural gas supplies, which are transported through NGDCs’ pipes to the consumer.
Customer Classes -The classes of natural gas customers are residential, commercial and industrial.
Customer Reading -An actual meter reading made by the customer that is given to the NGDC.
Dth - (Dekatherm) -A measure of the heat content value of gas. Gas usage is deter- mined by multiplying the Mcf used by the heat content value of the gas.
Deregulation -Removal or change in regulations or con- trols governing a business or service operation such as a utility.
Distribution -The delivery of natural gas from the city gate to the consumer.
Distribution Charges -The charges for the delivery of natural gas from the point of receipt into the NGDC’s sys- tem.
End-User -The natural gas con- sumer.
Estimated Reading -During months when the NGDC does not read the customer’s meter, the bill is based on previous gas usage, gas rates and the weather.
Firm Service -Natural gas serv- ice offered to consumers specified in tariffs or con- tracts that anticipate no inter- ruption.
Flat Rate -A fixed charge for goods and services that does not vary with changes in the amount used, volume con- sumed, or units purchased.
Formal Complaint -A written dispute or disagreement about a utility problem filed by a consumer with the PUC. A formal complaint is assigned to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who may hold hearings to devel- op a record.
Gas Cost Adjustment Charges -The amount billed or credit- ed each month to account for differences between project- ed and actual gas supply costs of the natural gas dis- tribution company.
Informal Complaint -A dis- pute or disagreement about a utility problem filed by a consumer with the PUC’s Bureau of Consumer Services (BCS). A BCS investigator reviews the informal complaint and pro- vides the customer with a response to their dispute.
Interruptible Service -Natural gas services that can be interrupted under terms and conditions specified by tariff or contract.
Interstate Transportation System -Federally regulat- ed, large capacity pipelines that transport natural gas across state lines from points of production to NGDCs’ city gates.
Late Payment Charge -A charge for any bill not paid by the due date.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - LIHEAP -A federally fund- ed program, administered by the state to assist low income utility customers to pay for energy services.
Marketer or Broker -An indi- vidual or business, licensed by the PUC that sells or arranges to sell natural gas. The difference between mar- keters and brokers is that marketers own the gas they sell, while brokers do not.
Mcf -1,000 cubic feet of gas. This is a measure of gas usage.
NGDC - Natural Gas Distribution Company -A state regulated natural gas utility which owns the gas lines and equipment neces- sary to deliver natural gas to the consumer (Formerly called local distribution company).
NGS - Natural Gas Supplier -An entity that sells or arranges to sell natural gas to customers that is delivered through the distribution lines of an NGDC.
Nonbasic Services -Optional services which are separate and not required for the physical delivery of natural gas service.
Open Market -Competition is allowed.
Public Input Hearings -Meetings where consumers provide input to the PUC. This is in the form of sworn or unsworn testimony, often before a PUC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
Public Meeting -Meeting, open to the public, where the PUC Commissioners vote on all rate case filings and other official PUC business.
Public Utility Code -The law, which sets the powers and duties of the PUC. It also sets many of the guidelines the PUC uses for utilities’ rates and service standards.
Service Reliability -A guaran- tee that the NGDC will deliver sufficient natural gas to satisfy customer consump- tion specified in tariffs and contracts.
State Tax Adjustment Surcharge -A surcharge on gas rates charged to cus- tomers, which permit NGDC’s to track changes to various state taxes.
Storage -Placing natural gas into an underground facility for removal and use at a later date.
Transmission -The moving of natural gas through the inter- state pipeline system for delivery to the NGDC.
Unbundling -Breaking down services and/or rates that are offered into parts so each part is billed separately.